Where was God in Newtown?

The senseless tragedy that rocked Newtown, Conn., last week shook us all. An equally horrific but less deadly tragedy in China on Friday left 22 children and one adult injured by a knife wielding man who attacked them at the gate of an elementary school in the village of Chengping in central Henan province.

Like many, I am overwhelmed with grief by the senselessness of these tragedies. Explanations and analyses seem pointless. Words fail. Yet, I’ve struggled through the weekend with every news report, aching for mommas and daddies, grandpas and grandmas, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters whose lives were forever changed last Friday.

Many are speaking into the Newtown tragedy. Many are asking questions. A headline from a Dec. 17, Huff Post Religion column, reads, Faithful Fill Pews In Newtown Seeking Answers On How God Let Shooting Happen. Many who are smarter and more theologically astute than me will attempt to answer that question. I think, though, that the better question is “Was God there?” The answer is a resounding, “Yes.”

God was there in the heroic acts of principal Dawn Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Sherlach who attempted to tackle the gunman and died in the effort. He was there when Victoria Soto tried to divert the gunman to another location. He was there with those who called 911 and allowed the intercom to broadcast events to teachers as a warning of the chaos. He was with emergency personnel who responded so quickly, possibly preventing the gunman from taking more lives. He was with parents and families as they received news from the school. He was in the closets and behind the bookshelves and under the desks with every frightened child.

Yes, God was there.  And He is with the families now — through every funeral and every remembrance. He will be with them on Christmas Day and every Christmas hereafter. He will be with them at their child’s next birthday, at next year’s “first day of school” and at what would have been high school graduations.

If He is with us, why then didn’t He intervene? One of the most troubling aspects of our human nature is mankind’s free will. God allows us to make choices — for evil or for good — and we bear the consequences of those choices. Adam Lanza made a choice for evil and a community and a nation suffer. Hochspring, Sherlach and Soto made a choice to protect their students to the best of their ability. They will be remembered as heroes. It is unlikely that these three women woke up Friday morning thinking, “I will perform an act of bravery today.” More likely, they awakened looking forward to the coming Christmas break, wondering how they would contain the students’ excitement as the last week of school approached, planning last minute Christmas shopping or dinner with a friend.

But when chaos reigned, they made a choice — a choice to fight evil in an effort to shelter the innocent — and they gave their lives in the process. We see in them the image of Christ. 

This is the image I want to take away from the Newtown tragedy. This is the image I want to share with my children — of three strong women who fought for “their kids” and of those who came to the rescue,  including police, paramedics, firefighters and yes, even the on-site media as they brought the tragedy home to all of us. I want to help my children understand that even in the worst carnage, good people emerge, bearing the image of Christ, sometimes unknowingly, and offering stability, peace and hope.

Yes, God was there, and He is with us now. This is what Christmas is all about.

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”).
Matthew 1:23
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Monday, December 17, 2012

Where was God in Newtown?

The senseless tragedy that rocked Newtown, Conn., last week shook us all. An equally horrific but less deadly tragedy in China on Friday left 22 children and one adult injured by a knife wielding man who attacked them at the gate of an elementary school in the village of Chengping in central Henan province.

Like many, I am overwhelmed with grief by the senselessness of these tragedies. Explanations and analyses seem pointless. Words fail. Yet, I’ve struggled through the weekend with every news report, aching for mommas and daddies, grandpas and grandmas, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters whose lives were forever changed last Friday.

Many are speaking into the Newtown tragedy. Many are asking questions. A headline from a Dec. 17, Huff Post Religion column, reads, Faithful Fill Pews In Newtown Seeking Answers On How God Let Shooting Happen. Many who are smarter and more theologically astute than me will attempt to answer that question. I think, though, that the better question is “Was God there?” The answer is a resounding, “Yes.”

God was there in the heroic acts of principal Dawn Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Sherlach who attempted to tackle the gunman and died in the effort. He was there when Victoria Soto tried to divert the gunman to another location. He was there with those who called 911 and allowed the intercom to broadcast events to teachers as a warning of the chaos. He was with emergency personnel who responded so quickly, possibly preventing the gunman from taking more lives. He was with parents and families as they received news from the school. He was in the closets and behind the bookshelves and under the desks with every frightened child.

Yes, God was there.  And He is with the families now — through every funeral and every remembrance. He will be with them on Christmas Day and every Christmas hereafter. He will be with them at their child’s next birthday, at next year’s “first day of school” and at what would have been high school graduations.

If He is with us, why then didn’t He intervene? One of the most troubling aspects of our human nature is mankind’s free will. God allows us to make choices — for evil or for good — and we bear the consequences of those choices. Adam Lanza made a choice for evil and a community and a nation suffer. Hochspring, Sherlach and Soto made a choice to protect their students to the best of their ability. They will be remembered as heroes. It is unlikely that these three women woke up Friday morning thinking, “I will perform an act of bravery today.” More likely, they awakened looking forward to the coming Christmas break, wondering how they would contain the students’ excitement as the last week of school approached, planning last minute Christmas shopping or dinner with a friend.

But when chaos reigned, they made a choice — a choice to fight evil in an effort to shelter the innocent — and they gave their lives in the process. We see in them the image of Christ. 

This is the image I want to take away from the Newtown tragedy. This is the image I want to share with my children — of three strong women who fought for “their kids” and of those who came to the rescue,  including police, paramedics, firefighters and yes, even the on-site media as they brought the tragedy home to all of us. I want to help my children understand that even in the worst carnage, good people emerge, bearing the image of Christ, sometimes unknowingly, and offering stability, peace and hope.

Yes, God was there, and He is with us now. This is what Christmas is all about.

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”).
Matthew 1:23


Anonymous Kandy Persall said...

Thanks Ann for your simple, yet comforting words. You made me think about the fact that mothers of Judea were asking the same question when so many babies under the age of two died, while Herod looked for baby Jesus. We can't truly understand God's ways. But we must make a decision whether or not to allow His influence to permeate our lives through faith. Thanks again for your wise words.

December 17, 2012 at 7:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Kathy. The words of Matthew 2:18 keep running through my mind as well, "A voice is heard in Ramah,
weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” Last week's tragedy makes these words come alive. It breaks my heart over and over again.

December 17, 2012 at 8:55 PM  
Blogger K. E. Richards said...

Hey Ann, Thanks for this post. I too have been grieving and pondering the recent events I have this thought to add. I want to be a more engaging person. I need to reach farther than I do.

Evil prevails when the Light is absent. When the church is engaged with a mighty force into the lives of people, we have within us the power to extinguish evil. To what extent depends on what efforts we put forth. It is not a question as to the power of the Light, but only as to the power of its reach. There will always be evil. The last days may prove to be the most evil, but we must not give up. Look at those around you. Engage with those who are hurting. Who knows what kinds of evil you might prevent. Tracy Richards

Mathew 5:14 You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

December 17, 2012 at 11:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Very well said, Tracy. "It is not a question as to the power of the Light, but only as to the power of its reach." I like that.

December 18, 2012 at 6:08 AM  
Blogger Lizzie's Lists said...

Praise God for Immanuel! Thanks for sharing your thought!

December 18, 2012 at 9:45 AM  
Blogger Cathy Bee said...

Ann, a poignant message for these times. Thanks for sharing it. There is no way that a rational-thinking mind can comprehend the deeds of one that is NOT. When tragic events are draped across the backdrop of the cross, we can comprehend that Christ was indeed in the events - His presence was there.

December 18, 2012 at 10:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you, Liz and Cathy. Cathy, your comments are spot on -- "tragic events draped across the backdrop of the cross" do let us know that Christ is very near. Psalm 34:18 comes to mind, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He saves those who are crushed in spirit." Surely, not everyone touched by this tragedy knows God personally, but it doesn't mean He wasn't there and is waiting for any who call on Him.

December 18, 2012 at 10:28 AM  
Anonymous Lana Oue said...

Ann, Thanks for sharing and encouraging. We are grieving and as I listened to Tak's nephew who was and is onsite as a counselor, I think of God's presence in our lives and in those around us, even those who choose to ignore Him.

December 18, 2012 at 9:17 PM  

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