"Pepper and the Bullies"

My latest children's book, "Pepper and the Bullies," is now available through CreateSpace and Amazon. In the fifth book of the Connie and Friends series, Pepper is terrified when two big dogs bully him. Days later, he remains skittish and scared until a romp in the woods brings him face to face with one of his enemies! What will Pepper do? Will he help his enemy?

Bullying is a serious issue for many children in today's culture. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bullies target those who seem to be less powerful, not as strong or “different.” Bullying can be physical, verbal or electronic and may include hitting, name calling or sending insulting emails or texts. A bully might also spread rumors or exclude a person from activities or conversations. The CDC warns, “Bullying, teasing, and harassment should not be considered normal rites of passage or just ‘kids being kids.’”

Government research indicates that kids who are bullied may experience depression, anxiety and loneliness that may persist into adulthood. Likewise, kids who bully others are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs, drop out of school or be abusive toward their spouses or children as adults.

A number of resources are available to help parents and teachers identify, prevent and stop bullying. A good place to start is stopbullying.gov.

To order  your copy of "Pepper and the Bullies," visit CreateSpace (https://www.createspace.com/4043050) or Amazon (http://tinyurl.com/bvjh2r2).

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Pepper and the Bullies"

My latest children's book, "Pepper and the Bullies," is now available through CreateSpace and Amazon. In the fifth book of the Connie and Friends series, Pepper is terrified when two big dogs bully him. Days later, he remains skittish and scared until a romp in the woods brings him face to face with one of his enemies! What will Pepper do? Will he help his enemy?

Bullying is a serious issue for many children in today's culture. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bullies target those who seem to be less powerful, not as strong or “different.” Bullying can be physical, verbal or electronic and may include hitting, name calling or sending insulting emails or texts. A bully might also spread rumors or exclude a person from activities or conversations. The CDC warns, “Bullying, teasing, and harassment should not be considered normal rites of passage or just ‘kids being kids.’”

Government research indicates that kids who are bullied may experience depression, anxiety and loneliness that may persist into adulthood. Likewise, kids who bully others are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs, drop out of school or be abusive toward their spouses or children as adults.

A number of resources are available to help parents and teachers identify, prevent and stop bullying. A good place to start is stopbullying.gov.

To order  your copy of "Pepper and the Bullies," visit CreateSpace (https://www.createspace.com/4043050) or Amazon (http://tinyurl.com/bvjh2r2).

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