Free Copy! One Year Be-Tween You & God devotionals for girls

The One Year Be-Tween You and God devotions for girls
By Sandra Byrd
Rating: 5 Stars

Review: I received a complimentary copy of One Year Be-Tween You & God for review purposes and gave it to my 11-year-old daughter, Alli. She was immediately drawn to the look and feel of the book, but beyond the pure aesthetics, I have noticed that she is continuing to read it every day. When I asked her opinion, she said, “I like the wording.” When I pressed further, she explained that the devotions are easy to understand and she enjoys reading them. From a middle-schooler, I’ll take that as a five-star review any day.

As a mom, I love any book that will draw my children closer to God. Seeing Alli enjoy the book enough to read it every day and browsing through some of the devotions myself, I highly recommend it for tween girls, both from Christian and non-Christian homes. The diary-like format that begins each day with a question resonates with young girls taking those first few shaky steps toward womanhood. In that season of spiritual questioning and development, I appreciate resources that point young girls to a God who loves them and wants to walk with them through every season of life. This is a perfect gift for daughters, granddaughters, nieces or other young girls who are important to you.

Product Description from the Publisher: This One Year book is a diary-style devotional for tween girls (9 to 14) that emphasizes their growing, special relationship with God. Each devotion begins with a statement, thought, or question to God. Every girl is likely to make these statements and ask such questions . . . many of which they may not want to share with other people.

The book emphasizes that tween girls can have a relationship with God and that they can share their intimate thoughts, fears, insecurities, joys, etc. It lets girls know: it's between you and God. Questions/topics include the following: “I know I'm supposed to be close to you (God), but I don't really feel like it now. How can I change that?” “Everyone talks about how I'm supposed to have faith, which is fine, except I don't really understand what faith actually is.” Each devotion gives biblically based insight into the subject.

Category: Christian, devotion and prayer

Publisher: Tyndale
Pub Date: Oct 2012

LeatherLike:  384 pages
Price: $16.99
Ebook also available

Win a free copy: The publisher has provided me with a coupon for one complimentary give-away copy. If you'd like it to be yours, send an email to me at, and tell me why. Include your name and mailing address. If you're selected, I'll let you know by return email.  

Travel light!


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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Free Copy! One Year Be-Tween You & God devotionals for girls

The One Year Be-Tween You and God devotions for girls
By Sandra Byrd
Rating: 5 Stars

Review: I received a complimentary copy of One Year Be-Tween You & God for review purposes and gave it to my 11-year-old daughter, Alli. She was immediately drawn to the look and feel of the book, but beyond the pure aesthetics, I have noticed that she is continuing to read it every day. When I asked her opinion, she said, “I like the wording.” When I pressed further, she explained that the devotions are easy to understand and she enjoys reading them. From a middle-schooler, I’ll take that as a five-star review any day.

As a mom, I love any book that will draw my children closer to God. Seeing Alli enjoy the book enough to read it every day and browsing through some of the devotions myself, I highly recommend it for tween girls, both from Christian and non-Christian homes. The diary-like format that begins each day with a question resonates with young girls taking those first few shaky steps toward womanhood. In that season of spiritual questioning and development, I appreciate resources that point young girls to a God who loves them and wants to walk with them through every season of life. This is a perfect gift for daughters, granddaughters, nieces or other young girls who are important to you.

Product Description from the Publisher: This One Year book is a diary-style devotional for tween girls (9 to 14) that emphasizes their growing, special relationship with God. Each devotion begins with a statement, thought, or question to God. Every girl is likely to make these statements and ask such questions . . . many of which they may not want to share with other people.

The book emphasizes that tween girls can have a relationship with God and that they can share their intimate thoughts, fears, insecurities, joys, etc. It lets girls know: it's between you and God. Questions/topics include the following: “I know I'm supposed to be close to you (God), but I don't really feel like it now. How can I change that?” “Everyone talks about how I'm supposed to have faith, which is fine, except I don't really understand what faith actually is.” Each devotion gives biblically based insight into the subject.

Category: Christian, devotion and prayer

Publisher: Tyndale
Pub Date: Oct 2012

LeatherLike:  384 pages
Price: $16.99
Ebook also available

Win a free copy: The publisher has provided me with a coupon for one complimentary give-away copy. If you'd like it to be yours, send an email to me at, and tell me why. Include your name and mailing address. If you're selected, I'll let you know by return email.  

Travel light!



Blogger Sandra Byrd said...

Thank you so much, Ann, for reading and reviewing my devo. I appreciate your time and insight and am so pleased that you like it!



October 29, 2012 at 12:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You are very welcome, Sandra. It was my pleasure!

October 29, 2012 at 2:25 PM  

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