Review of "The Life Application Study Bible Devotional"

Rating: 5 Stars
Category: Devotional

Publisher: Tyndale House
Pub Date: September 2011

Kindle Format: 7814 lines
Print Format: 400 pages

Kindle edition: $8.79
Hardcover: $15.99

Product Description from the Publisher: Readers of the Life Application Study Bible—the #1 bestselling study Bible—will welcome the arrival of the new Life Application Study Bible Devotional. Let the life of Jesus sink into your mind and heart with 312 readings from the gospels—one for each weekday and one for the weekend. In the Life Application Study Bible Devotional: Daily Wisdom from Jesus, each week focuses on a different event in Jesus’ life—drawing out daily wisdom from his parables, teachings, conversations, miracles, and interactions with people. You’ll learn important biblical principles, become inspired to put God’s Word into practical action, and be forever changed by a year spent going deeper with your Savior.

Review: The Life Application Study Bible Devotional is an excellent tool for daily reflection on God’s word. I received a complimentary copy for review from the publisher, and I intend to use it to supplement my daily Bible reading throughout the next year.

Packed with insights and practical application, I particularly enjoyed the “Getting Personal” sections offered in each reading. As readers consider each day’s Scripture and setting, tips on personal application are key to incorporating God’s wisdom into their daily lives.

I highly recommend the Life Application Study Bible Devotional for any who want to grow closer to God by considering the truths of His word.


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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Review of "The Life Application Study Bible Devotional"

Rating: 5 Stars
Category: Devotional

Publisher: Tyndale House
Pub Date: September 2011

Kindle Format: 7814 lines
Print Format: 400 pages

Kindle edition: $8.79
Hardcover: $15.99

Product Description from the Publisher: Readers of the Life Application Study Bible—the #1 bestselling study Bible—will welcome the arrival of the new Life Application Study Bible Devotional. Let the life of Jesus sink into your mind and heart with 312 readings from the gospels—one for each weekday and one for the weekend. In the Life Application Study Bible Devotional: Daily Wisdom from Jesus, each week focuses on a different event in Jesus’ life—drawing out daily wisdom from his parables, teachings, conversations, miracles, and interactions with people. You’ll learn important biblical principles, become inspired to put God’s Word into practical action, and be forever changed by a year spent going deeper with your Savior.

Review: The Life Application Study Bible Devotional is an excellent tool for daily reflection on God’s word. I received a complimentary copy for review from the publisher, and I intend to use it to supplement my daily Bible reading throughout the next year.

Packed with insights and practical application, I particularly enjoyed the “Getting Personal” sections offered in each reading. As readers consider each day’s Scripture and setting, tips on personal application are key to incorporating God’s wisdom into their daily lives.

I highly recommend the Life Application Study Bible Devotional for any who want to grow closer to God by considering the truths of His word.



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