Review of "The Popular Clone" by M.E. Castle

Rating: 3.5 stars
Category: Juvenile Fiction. Action and Adventure.

Publisher: EgmontUSA Publishers
Pub Date: Available January 24, 2012

Kindle Format: 2556 lines
Hardcover Format: 324 pages

Kindle edition: $9.99
Hardcover: $15.99

Product Description from the Publisher:
Meet Fisher Bas: 12 years-old, growth-stunted, a geeky science genius, and son of the Nobel Prize-winning creators of the Bas-Hermaphrodite-Sea-Slug-Hypothesis. No surprise: Fisher isn't exactly the most popular kid in his middle school, tormented daily by the beefy, overgrown goons he calls The Vikings. But he senses relief when he comes upon the idea of cloning himself - creating a second Fisher to go to school each day while he stays at home playing video games and eating cheetos with ketchup. It's an ingenious plan that works brilliantly, until Fisher's clone turns out to be more popular than him - and soon after gets clone-napped by the evil scientist Dr. Xander.

Review: Who doesn't wish they could sometimes clone themselves rather than face harassing bullies at school, in the neighborhood or at the office? I received an advance copy of “Popular Clone” from the publisher and was drawn immediately to the character of Fisher Bas and the struggles he faces as a middle school boy. Unlike my own middle school experience, however, Fisher has the brains and the know-how to solve his problems by cloning himself and sending his clone into the battlefield of Wampanog Middle School to face his enemies, the Vikings. Of course, things don't go exactly as Fisher planned - and not everyone is who they claim to be. The result is an action-packed story with the just the right mix of evil genius, misfits, bullies and mad scientists sure to keep middle school readers engaged to the bitter end.


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Friday, December 9, 2011

Review of "The Popular Clone" by M.E. Castle

Rating: 3.5 stars
Category: Juvenile Fiction. Action and Adventure.

Publisher: EgmontUSA Publishers
Pub Date: Available January 24, 2012

Kindle Format: 2556 lines
Hardcover Format: 324 pages

Kindle edition: $9.99
Hardcover: $15.99

Product Description from the Publisher:
Meet Fisher Bas: 12 years-old, growth-stunted, a geeky science genius, and son of the Nobel Prize-winning creators of the Bas-Hermaphrodite-Sea-Slug-Hypothesis. No surprise: Fisher isn't exactly the most popular kid in his middle school, tormented daily by the beefy, overgrown goons he calls The Vikings. But he senses relief when he comes upon the idea of cloning himself - creating a second Fisher to go to school each day while he stays at home playing video games and eating cheetos with ketchup. It's an ingenious plan that works brilliantly, until Fisher's clone turns out to be more popular than him - and soon after gets clone-napped by the evil scientist Dr. Xander.

Review: Who doesn't wish they could sometimes clone themselves rather than face harassing bullies at school, in the neighborhood or at the office? I received an advance copy of “Popular Clone” from the publisher and was drawn immediately to the character of Fisher Bas and the struggles he faces as a middle school boy. Unlike my own middle school experience, however, Fisher has the brains and the know-how to solve his problems by cloning himself and sending his clone into the battlefield of Wampanog Middle School to face his enemies, the Vikings. Of course, things don't go exactly as Fisher planned - and not everyone is who they claim to be. The result is an action-packed story with the just the right mix of evil genius, misfits, bullies and mad scientists sure to keep middle school readers engaged to the bitter end.



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