Travel Light: Living through the hunger months

“Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while because the famine was severe.” Genesis 12:10

Who led Abram to Egypt? No one. When famine came to God’s Promised Land, Abram didn’t consult God. Instead, he freely chose to leave God’s Promised Land when things got tough. 

Sometimes in crisis we act too quickly. Logically, Abram’s actions may appear justified, but Abram failed to include God in his plan. He forgot that God had called him and led him to Canaan. Abram was where God wanted him to be, famine and all.

Like many of us, Abram had difficulty believing God when times got tough. Instead, he acted out of his own strength and intellect. While we don’t want to ignore our intellect, we also don’t want to rely on it to the extent that we stop listening for the voice of God in difficult circumstances.

It takes more faith to wait than to act. If you are where God wants you to be, stay put, even when famine comes. If He is silent, rely on the last word He’s given you.  By moving to Egypt, Abram made a significant detour in his faith journey.

The good news is that God did not abandon Him there. God was with Abram, even on the detour.

This week's reading: Job 40-42, Genesis 12-29
Post #3: Discovering how to live missionally through a chronological reading of God’s Word. 


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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Travel Light: Living through the hunger months

“Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while because the famine was severe.” Genesis 12:10

Who led Abram to Egypt? No one. When famine came to God’s Promised Land, Abram didn’t consult God. Instead, he freely chose to leave God’s Promised Land when things got tough. 

Sometimes in crisis we act too quickly. Logically, Abram’s actions may appear justified, but Abram failed to include God in his plan. He forgot that God had called him and led him to Canaan. Abram was where God wanted him to be, famine and all.

Like many of us, Abram had difficulty believing God when times got tough. Instead, he acted out of his own strength and intellect. While we don’t want to ignore our intellect, we also don’t want to rely on it to the extent that we stop listening for the voice of God in difficult circumstances.

It takes more faith to wait than to act. If you are where God wants you to be, stay put, even when famine comes. If He is silent, rely on the last word He’s given you.  By moving to Egypt, Abram made a significant detour in his faith journey.

The good news is that God did not abandon Him there. God was with Abram, even on the detour.

This week's reading: Job 40-42, Genesis 12-29
Post #3: Discovering how to live missionally through a chronological reading of God’s Word. 


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good reminder for us all!! Thanks Ann!

January 15, 2015 at 10:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Painfully, that is just what I needed today.

January 19, 2015 at 8:44 AM  

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